Calendar 2023
Dear readers of my blog,
just seven weeks from Christmas and another week from the New Year, I am pleased to announce the arrival of three calendars from the printshop. As usual, there is a calendar for 2023, with poems by Oscar Wilde, translated into German, and with collage work by Ulrich Hoepfner. It is in colour and priced at 15.00 € plus postage and packaging.
Alongside this calendar for next year, there is a Birthday Calendar for every year, one in colour, priced at 12.00 € plus postage and packaging, and another one in black and white, priced at 10.00 € plus postage and packaging.
You might wonder why I take such pains to issue calendars when everyone can download an online one, which will also be the case for the 2023 calendar. In fact, I do so since I still collect money for the hosting of an Anne Frank itinerary exhibition in Norden, East Friesia. The date has been postponed several times, but now it is going to be hosted at Ulrichsgymnasium Norden, East Friesia, from 18 April to 15 May, with the opening scheduled for Thursday, 20 April 2023.
All the revenues from the sale of calendars and books, including those by Tanya Kagan-Josefowitz, which readers of my blog would be aware of, are going to be donated to financing this exhibition and related events.
If you'd like to have a calendar, do not hesitate to contact me through this website, the number of copies available is limited,
all best wishes,
Jörg W. Rademacher